DNA Ladders

  • Available in 6 molecular weight ranges
  • Crisp band patterns
  • Ready to use with loading dye included
  • Stable at room temperature

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Pre-made and containing loading dye for immediate use, Cleaver Scientific’s ready-to-use (RTU) DNA Markers are specially formulated to run accurately and produce sharp, well defined ladders. Available in six molecular weight ranges and composed of discrete marker fragments isolated from restriction-digested proprietary plasmids, each DNA marker will remain stable for up to 6 months at room temperature, 12 months if kept in the fridge at 4°C or 24 months at -20°C.  All Cleaver Scientific RTU Markers contain high intensity reference bands and may be used to perform size comparisons with DNA molecules ranging from the smallest of PCR fragments to large, linearised cosmid vectors.

Product Includes: 500 µl vial

Catalogue Page Number: 27

Concentration50?g/500?l vial54?g/500?l vial50?g/500?l vial56?g/500?l vial86?g/500?l vial52?g/500?l vial
Storage Conditions6 months at 25°C, 12 months at 4°C & 24 months at - 20°C6 months at 25°C, 12 months at 4°C & 24 months at - 20°C6 months at 25°C, 12 months at 4°C & 24 months at - 20°C6 months at 25°C, 12 months at 4°C & 24 months at - 20°C6 months at 25°C, 12 months at 4°C & 24 months at - 20°C6 months at 25°C, 12 months at 4°C & 24 months at - 20°C
Size Range100-1500bp100-3000bp250bp-10kb50-1500bp100bp-10kb250bp-25kb
Number of bands111213171914
Reference bands500, 1500bp500, 1500bp1Kb, 3kb200, 500bp500bp, 1.5 & 3kb1Kb, 3kb
Recommended loading volume5?l/well5?l/well5?l/well5?l/well5?l/well5?l/well
Tracking dyesOrange G, Xylene Cyanol FF, Bromophenol BlueOrange G, Xylene Cyanol FF, Bromophenol BlueOrange G, Xylene Cyanol FF, Bromophenol BlueOrange G, Xylene Cyanol FF, Bromophenol BlueOrange G, Xylene Cyanol FF, Bromophenol BlueOrange G, Xylene Cyanol FF, Bromophenol Blue
Product Flyers
100bp DNA ladder, 100-1500bp, 1 x 500ul vial


100bp DNA ladder, 100-3000bp, 1 x 500ul vial


1Kb PLUS DNA ladder, 100-10Kb, 1 x 500ul vial


50bp DNA ladder, 50-1500bp, 1x500ul vial


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Cleaver Scientific Ltd is no longer trading and the Manufacturing Rights and IP have been acquired by Thistle Scientific Ltd. Cleaver Scientific Brand products are now available for purchase direct from Thistle Scientific, or via the various world wide distribution channels, with the same renowned customer service, and reliable delivery from Thistle Scientific 

For any questions please contact Thistle Scientific at: orders@thistlescientific.co.uk

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